About Us
CENTROID is a data analysis consultancy based in both Belfast & Dublin. We focus training and consultancy services for GIS & SPSS technology and provide training and be-spoke solutions for the data analytics industry. The solutions we deliver are ‘turnkey’ in that they meet specific client requirements, are ready to start-up and are immediately useful and integrate seamlessly with the GIS +/or SPSS software you already use.
Our Experience
With over 30 years experience in GIS and SPSS data analytics, our scope of professional services combines expertise in many important business sectors. We have worked at all levels of GIS and SPSS implementation for local, regional and national government agencies as well as private sector firms. Our experience spans all aspects of GIS and SPSS technology enabling our staff to provide clients with a full-suite of GIS and SPSS capabilities in data analytics.
Our Focus
Our clientele is our most valued asset; your success is our success. CENTROID’s primary focus is to advise and support corporate decision-makers by identifying new ways to analyse and manage database information. CENTROID is committed to the highest standards of technology, quality and customer service. Through this commitment, we will continue to deliver innovative GIS +/or SPSS training and exceptional services to decision-makers throughout the country.